Morning thoughts, day before my show...

Peace... and good morning,  

I am sitting at my table, cooking my wife 2 vegan smart dogs, drinking coffee.  I have a show tomorrow, its an R&B sexy exotic show.  There will be a live band there.  Its always a great vibe. This is my 3rd time doing it.  I won’t be performing with the band, they reached out, but I was and have been to myself, still figuring out the songs I want to do.  I’ve been doing music a while now so I choose songs not just on what songs I got that are hot, but what will be what the night needs, matching that with where I am in life now, where we are as a people united in life, in this world, city, culture, etc.  Music, I realize, u don’t just like the music, you dig the person who is doing it, how they do it, how they express it.  From the clothes, to the smile, to how they say “y’all”.  I guess so all that affects me more how I feel at the time and how the more I am in one with how I am feeling, the more the music will be authentic and shine thru and really connect with people.  I got some older classics from my Eleven album I may do without the guitar, or may do some of my guitar joints since last time I performed at this show I performed only to tracks.  Was a dope set, will be dope tomorrow.  Anywhoo.  Soon much to come  

(Ignore typos, im just shaking and jivin, not much time to be perfect ❤️)


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