Graveshift COVID-19 and Johnny Nash 


Ok so lately I got a gig for a couple weeks, good pay, only thing is that it was a 12 hour shift and at night!  Never have I don’t a graveyard shift before, but why not.  That shit is no joke fyi… not a sit down and chill job either, gotta be up, moving and alert all night.  Now, as I started working I got hit up from one of my buddies Carolyn telling me CBS had a cover song contest, remaking Johnny Nash’s “I Can See Clearly Now”.  I only had a few days to submit, I’d get home at 7, try and sit down to create but I would be exhausted, then I’d get up from laying down spend time with my family for maybe an hour while getting ready and preparing food for the night shift.  So in a nut shell not much time.  It was due the 6th, so yesterday I figure after work I’d just tough it out when I got home after 7a.  Well, that night working I felt horrible, the worst I’ve ever felt.  Working that night shift and feeling the way i felt was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life.  I got home, took my temp… 102.1!  I took an at home Covid test and guess what?!  Winner!  You have Covid!  Just been down all day, but was able to get up, muster some energy to video and finish laying a guitar part down.  Had planned on redoing my vocals I recorded about 2 days ago as a draft, but that ain’t happening now, not with this Covid.  Even had my son crying in the background in my recording, was subtly able to take that out but it cut one of my runs short 🤷🏾‍♀️.  All in all, glad I did it, glad I got it done too!  Only was to be 30-60 seconds, so just a bit of a snippet.  To check it out, click here!!!

Vlog #13 - The Most Bummerest bummin bummed out thing to ever bum… (Fast day 6) 

Today I finally was able to put up the desk my wife got me for Christmas.  I took down all my other desk, unscrewed them and put them… I don’t even know where, I think the garage.  So my music stuff is all over, not set up.  I haven’t really made any music in a while.  Hurt my feelings because I was soooo excited, now I have to wait like another week or 2 to get my room set up.  Not the sexiest vlog, but it’s honest.  Also I’m on day 6 of No smoking or drinking, so, there’s nothing to numb my feelings.  Anywhoo, keep yall posted.  Can’t wait to get this room set up!

Saved over $400 no effort 

I am an Econ major and as well, I come from a family with a tight walletted father.  So to say the least, I like numbers, i like saving money, I like things that make sense.  In the beginning of my obsessive investing journey, I ran across some cool investors, Gerald Peterson, Chris Johnson, Rob Smith (SITB) rip, definitely more… but with Chris, I became aware of ACORN.  I signed up, believed I used his code to sign up, and 100%, it has been great.  I am passively investing $5 a week, nothing big, barely notice $5 gone, also, any uneven transaction, the round up to the nearest dollar is invested and saved as well.   


Wealth gap getting bigger, disasters happen, not only in our own lives, but in the world every couple years (covid, 2017, 2007, 2000, etc.  Plently of opportunities to benefit from for those who are prepared.  If you don't already have an account, sign up before the new year.  Just click the Acorn below